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Students & Parents Information

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

To ensure the safety of our students and your children, we need your cooperation at arrival and dismissal times:


*School starts at 8:50am, and doors open at 8:30am. Breakfast is served from8:30-8:50 A.M. No students may enter the building or should be dropped off at school before8:30 A.M. because there is no supervision. Students are NOT allowed to play on the playground equipment in the morning. *All walkers will enter school through the main entrance on Homer Street Parents who drop off their students should do so on Homer Street where there is a crosswalk and a crossing guard on duty. The children will be crossed safely.

-*Do not park directly in front of Homer School as this is where the busses park to drop off students. Avoid this area completely because the buses will be unloading so please obey the school bus laws.

* Allow yourself time in the morning to get your child to school safely. Follow the rules, be patient and use good sense.


*School ends at 3:30 P.M. Walkers in grades K-5 will exit the building through the playground door. ALL walkers will exit through the door facing Wilbraham Road. Students will be brought to designated areas by their homeroom teachers. To ensure safety, you must notify the teacher that you are there to pick up your child. *We know and acknowledge that the parking situation is challenging on our side streets. However, the safety of our students is our greatest priority. Please follow the rules, be patient and use good sense. Take the extra time to park or walk from a side street to get your student. Our staff will wait to ensure student safety.

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